Your Credit Health Matters, Family.

I can help you get it right.

What if I told you that you don't have to stress about your credit anymore AND you don't have to throw your money away paying someone thousands to fix your credit only to NOT see results?

It sounds too good to be true, I know. But it's really simple. The answers to your most pressing questions about credit are outlined right here in my new book,

Your Credit Health Matters.

I am Carlos Adams Bey.

You might know me as "Moorish", "Moorish Chef" or "The Moorish Healer" online. You may know me as Sergeant Adams if we connected back in my military days, "Nurse Adams" if we've ever crossed paths in the medical field, or "Doulo Los" if I've helped you during a pregnancy. You may simply know me as "Los", the stand up brother, warrior and healer who will care for, love on, and genuinely help the people in my community however I can. You may not know me at all.

Right now, none of that matters though. Right now, I am here to arm you with knowledge, boost your confidence, and offer you all the encouragement I can muster, if it means I can assist you in building your personal and business credit so that you'll have greater success and more access to the joys of life that good credit can get you.

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    My eBook, "Your Credit Health Matters" is a blueprint to financial freedom.

    THIS E-Book is improving others' credit health!

    See what people are saying…

    "This eBook helped me tremendously with my credit."

    Not only has it helped me with understanding what creditors look for. I was able to remove an old auto loan that was in collections from all 3 credit bureaus. Now I am using the tools in the book to build my credit past 720 and assist my family for FREE.

    ~Giana Houston

    "Until meeting Carlos I did not understand the importance of Credit Health."

    Since purchasing this eBook, I've been able to educate myself and my immediate family on so many things about credit. I used the 14-day deletion method and 24-hour inquiry removal, and I have already seen my credit rise over 140 points across all three bureaus.

    ~Kristopher Walker

    "I too am an Armed Forces Veteran."

    I met Carlos Volunteering at the Veterans Administration and instantly gravitated to him. He was GIVING away knowledge and helping others free of charge. SOME SAW INSTANT CHANGES and that's when I knew he was the truth! Anyone who gives value to others for free is worth me investing in.

    ~William Robertson

    Your credit health matters

    These credit building secrets will teach you how to build a 750+ credit score without all the credit repair fees!

    Benefit 1: Learn to read and understand your credit report.

    Benefit 2: Learn how to properly structure your credit report for the first time.

    Benefit 3: Receive the 14-Day Credit Sweep Method

    ​Benefit 4: Confidently assist family and friends with their credit.

    ​Benefit 5: Learn to remove credit inquiries in 24 to 72 hrs.

    Benefit 6: How to make residual income off credit if you desire.

    PLUS BONUS: Sample template letters to help guide the disputing process.