my highly anticipated
"beet lemonade" recipe is inside of this manual to help boost your circulation and guide your family in the right direction!

Your Cellular Health Matters, Family.

I can help you get it right.

What if I told you that the reason you're not getting enough done without feeling tired is because you're not properly fueling your cells? What if I told you that eating for your cells wasn't as hard as it may sound? What if I told you that you don't have to stress about your health if you just apply simple changes to your eating lifestyle?

In this book, I'm going to teach you about your cells and why proper nourishment is important! I'm also going to help you understand why community is important on your journey! I will not only show which foods to eliminate from your diet, but I'll guide you in the direction of the foods to replace them with for cellular healing.

And, of course I wouldn't be The Moorish Chef if I didn't leave you with a few bonus recipes to help you enjoy your journey.

I am Carlos Adams Bey.

You might know me as "Moorish", "Moorish Chef" or "The Moorish Healer" online. You may know me as Sergeant Adams if we connected back in my military days, "Nurse Adams" if we've ever crossed paths in the medical field, or "Doulo Los" if I've helped you during a pregnancy. You may simply know me as "Los", the stand up brother, warrior and healer who will care for, love on, and genuinely help the people in my community however I can. You may not know me at all.

Right now, none of that matters though. Right now, I am here to arm you with knowledge, boost your confidence, and offer you all the encouragement I can muster, if it means I can assist you in healing your cells through food so you can have optimum energy and still enjoy aromatic and flavorful foods.

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    "You have done well and have inspired me. My health has been an issue for years. I wanted to change my eating habits for sometime now. Because I came across your posts, I read labels, I drink more water, buy more fresh fruits and vegetables. It really feels good making better choices and being more intentional about meal planning. I have a long way to go, but I'm going to live today. One day at a time. Thank you Moorish Chef! - DV. Atkins