congratulations, queen!

I heard you're having a baby.

I also heard there's something special about giving birth and experiencing the joy of welcoming new life into the world.

Whether you're a first time mom or a veteran Queen Mother, I know there is great honor in carrying a child, and I am honored to have the opportunity to support you on your journey.

I am Carlos Adams Bey, but you can call me Doulo Los.

You might know me as "Moorish", "Moorish Chef" or "The Moorish Healer" online. You may know me as Sergeant Adams if we connected back in my military days, or "Nurse Adams" if we've ever crossed paths in the medical field. You may simply know me as "Los", the stand up brother, warrior and healer who will care for, love on, and genuinely help the people in my community however I can. You may not know me at all.

Right now, none of that matters though. Right now, I am here to arm you with knowledge, boost your confidence, and offer you all the encouragement I can muster, if it means I can assist in keeping you and your baby healthy and floating on positive vibrations.

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    My new book, "Beets, Baby!" is a love offering.


    To help you have high vibrating energy and not feel beat down from the physical, emotional, and sometimes mental weight that pregnancy brings.

    So, I wrote a book with you in mind.

    My new book,

    "Beets, Baby!" is a love offering.

    In this book, I teach you 7 ways beet root juice (among other delicious fruits and vegetables) can help you maintain a healthy and positive pregnancy, protecting you and your baby with every sip. And the best part is, I give you 3 delicious recipes you or your partner can make today.

    I don't believe in drinking or eating anything that doesn't taste good. I've been a self-proclaimed chef ever since I stopped eating meat at age 16, and what makes what I create in the kitchen stand out is that I'm going to add whatever needs to be added to make it taste like something I'd want to digest again.
    Now, I'm not saying after reading this book that you'll automatically love the taste of beets. Believe me, I wasn't a fan at first bite. But, I can guarantee you if you try one of the recipes and think about the benefits you're providing you and your baby, you'll definitely be glad you opened up to it.

    I know it gets tough, queen.

    Believe Me.

    As a doulo, I have journeyed through pregnancy alongside my clients through the good days and the not so good days.

    As a healer, chef, and most importantly as a Black Man, I knew when I started on my path as a birth worker that the work would require more than just my training and experience in delivering babies. It was going to require me to integrate all that I have studied, put into practice, and incorporate in my daily life.

    First, it would require me to love my sisters.
    Second, it would require me to love my brothers who walked this parenthood journey along with my sisters.

    Overall, it would require me to love the black family and in that requirement alone, I knew that food would play an integral role in my expression of that love.